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Welcome to Douglas Street Surgery

We aim to work in collaboration with you to maintain your health and provide treatment when you are unwell.

We are excited to welcome Dr Javed and Dr Abid to our team in April 2024.

With the addition of Dr Javed and Dr Abid our team consists of five permanent GPs, one Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP), two Practice Nurses, two Practice Pharmacists and our Administrative staff. We also benefit from access to a Mental Health Nurse and Community Link Worker within the Practice.


We provide routine and emergency- on the day- appointments. Routine appointments can be booked with a clinician of your choice, emergency appointments are allocated to the next available or on-call clinician. We ask that you do not request an emergency appointment unless it is needed that day. Increased requests for of emergency appointments reduces the number of routine appointments that can be offered- and increases the wait for these.

We request that all emergency appointments are requested before 11am.

Please consider if your GP is the most appropriate person to deal with your presentation, further information is available below and at NHS inform: Right care right place | NHS inform

Prescription Requests

Prescription requests should be made online, see link below, or by calling our prescription line.

Please ensure that you order your medicines in good time. Prescription requests take two working days to be processed by the Practice (ie. if you request on a Monday- before 17:30- it will be ready for collection at the Practice by Wednesday afternoon, however if you request medication on a Thursday- before 17:30- it will be ready for collection the following Monday afternoon).

***If your prescriptions are collected by a local pharmacy please liaise directly with your pharmacy about how long this will take***

If a prescription is not being issued you with be notified by text message (SMS). Please ensure you are signed up for SMS services.

Online Repeat Prescription Request

You can order a repeat prescription online by clicking this link -> repeat prescription 

Urine Samples

Your local pharmacy can provide treatment for urinary tract infections (UTI) in women with few exclusion- see below. If you are concerned that you have a urinary tract infection and pharmacy cannot prescribe antibiotic please request an emergency appointment before 11am.

Please do not hand urine a urine sample into the practice unless it has been requested by a doctor nurse or as part of your annual review.

If you hand in a urine sample that has not been requested by the practice it will be discarded

Test Results

If you are calling for test results please do so after 11am

Please be aware that we do not receive results of tests requested by the hospital

Self Referral, Community and Pharmacy Services

A GP referral is not required to access the following services:

Please review advice from NHS inform: Right care right place | NHS inform

Urinary Tract Infections: Community Pharmacy can provide antibiotics for all non-pregnant women aged 16 or older with: Frequency (needing to pass urine more frequently than normal) AND Dysuria (pain or burning when passing urine) OR Frequency OR Dysuria along with Urgency (little warning of needing to pass urine) AND Lower abdominal pain or tenderness. There is no upper age limit. Common exclusions include: fever above 38 degrees, flank/kidney pain, symptoms for more than 7 days, previous UTI requiring antibiotics within previous 28 days, twice within previous 6 months, or three times in previous year.

Community Pharmacy: can also provide treatment for the following free of charge

- Conjunctivitis
- Thrush
- Eczema
- Hay fever
- Allergy
- Emergency Contraception

As well as: acnes, athlete's foot, back ache, cold sores, constipation, cough, diarrhoea, earache, head lice, indigestion, headache, hay fever, mouth ulcers, nasal congestions, pain, sore throat, threadworms, verrucas and warts.

NHS Lanarkshire Physiotherapy: Self referral can be made to Physiotherapy via or by calling the NHS MSK Physiotherapy Hub on 01698 687441

Community Podiatry: Self referral can be made to Community Podiatry via or by calling the Podiatry Hub on 01698 753753

Sexual Health: Self referral can be made to NHS Lanarkshire's Sexual Health Clinic for if you have any concerns about your Sexual Health or to access contraception not available at the practice eg. Hormonal or Non-hormonal coil via or by calling 0300 303 0251

Vasectomy: Information about, and self referral for vasectomy can be found on

Gender Service: Information about, and service referral information for the the Sandyford Gender Service can be found at

Pregnancy Care: you can self refer to Community Midwife on 01698 754540.

Health Visitors: the local health visiting team are based at Udston Hospital and are available on 01698 754544.

Vaccinations: all adult vaccinations are now undertaken by the Douglas Street Community Clinic 01698 368700 or the District Nursing Service 0300 303 0263.

Optometrist: are the best person to contact for any eye issued. They have the professional training and necessary equipment to assess most eye problems.

Dentist: are the best person to deal with oral pain or teeth issues

NHS Inform: there is good information available on the internet via NHS Inform or call 0800 224488 (8am – 10pm).

NHS Lanarkshire Winter Health Hub: Winter Health | NHS Lanarkshire (

(Site updated 03/05/2024)
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